Something is missing from science

I think something big is missing from science and I don’t think it’s dark matter. I think it is somewhat more related to geometry and/or consciousness or a geometry of consciousness. 

I believe that art is often trying to express things that science has yet to explain. And everywhere in art, there is geometry, often repeating geometries used by many cultures throughout history. 

Whenever I deeply meditate, I typically see the same geometry that I would describe as a dynamic sunflower disc of florets. It is not unlike the “flower of life,” but that is just one example of geometries with overlapping circles and what I usually see is more complex than that. What does that mean? Is that the signature of my consciousness? Could it be recorded? Could I put tiny cameras on my eyelids and somehow image it? If so, could I take that particular geometry of my consciousness and integrate it with my science somehow? The flower of life can be described by complex sinusoidal equations. Could I take this geometry of consciousness, make an equation out of it, and integrate it into my current physics equations of study or integrate it into an experimental setup of, say, plasma dynamics? Would that then integrate a true intelligence into all equations?

Unfortunately I don’t think such a research program would ever be funded without extensive personal funding. And as a female, I don’t ever expect science funding for anything at this point. (The one time I won funding it was because I put a man as the lead of the project when he hardly knew what the project was about). And I don’t want my name on my physics papers because it has been shown that papers with female names don’t get cited. 

I don’t intend this “geometry of consciousness” hypothesis to sound at all related to pseudoscience. I don’t condone any pseudoscience, but I don’t necessarily dismiss artists I’ve met who tend to have more mystical standpoints about reality. Are they really all crazy? I don’t think so, I think science has yet to explain what they are describing. 

Every physics and chemistry paper leaves out the biased consciousnesses that led it to those results. And ever since I’ve started in physics, I’ve deeply believed that something big is missing. What if each of us has a “geometry of consciousness” that helps determine how biased those results are? I believe this may be the case and that it is a real relativity that we are leaving out.  

Image by D. Marston