We have gotten everything wrong. 

Everything is a fiction and only a few of us even know how to write a story.

I am an Injectable Astronavigator and I’m here to tell you a tiny ion of nonfiction.   

We cut down the trees that give us oxygen to breathe in order to make a piece of green paper and other pollution that is literally killing us. We build “freeways” where we sit trapped in lines of tin cans that infect the air and wish we were in the woods. We build claustrophobic apartments and corporate buildings and talk about the weather because we wish we were outside. We slaughter animals at an unprecedented pace, causing us to suffer from novel diseases almost yearly. We literally tear up and explode the inner earth in order to suffocate the planet in plastic. Our over-processed food makes us sick because it is literally factory vomit made by poverty-stricken human sacrifices. Our leaders are even dumber than we are. We go to jobs that contribute nothing to the world’s actual problems and spend the entire day in a cubicle cage so that we can entertain the evil that is capitalism. With pandemic at-home work, some of us are finally realizing that our jobs aren’t something real at all, but are a fiction made by someone with many pieces of regurgitated, dead tree. We seem to actually have created our own hell and put ourselves in it. Is that what “intelligence” does?

We are the dumbest animals on earth because we are the only animals destroying and commodifying the very planet that has given us life. We are also the dumbest because now most of us spend our lives on the internet when in fact a cosmic internet of energetic harmonization already exists within us. Now forever we will be too in awe of our robot-inducing screens to look inside and see that the real internet is already inside of us. The agate is a gate. The pine is a portal. The creatures make the planet turn. The whomans don’t know who they are. The definition of universe is one song and we are (supposed to be) tuned to the ode of the earth geode. But what if there are only a few of us left who are tuned in? What if the inflammatory communication of language has literally stopped us from true communication with the natural world? Have words and symbols and money made us blind to the destruction of nature and ourselves? Coronavirus is nature fighting back against an ignorant, overpopulating species that has bloodied too many animals and put too much of nature in ruin. If skyscrapers, corporate buildings, and malls become obsolete and eventually are demolished because we are too afraid to leave our homes, then the earth can finally grow back. In the meantime, we sit at home not even aware of the remote-sensing and actuation capability in our heads. 

What if individual thoughts, intentions, and imaginings were more real and impactful than bureaucratic institutions, officework, and the internet? Essentially all medical evidence and advice points to how we have overlooked thoughts and belief in our health and well-being. In 1924 Hans Berger invented electroencephalography in an attempt to explain telepathy. In 1942 Nikola Tesla said, “If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.” In the “Relative Genius” episode of Radiolab, the host mentions, ‘It’s “almost as if the neurons didn’t stop inside Einstein’s skull, but continued outward into the world around him.”’ The earth is a brain and we are desperately interconnected to the earth, so the idea of a human sending out a signal without a cell phone and having someone pick up on it is not ridiculous, in fact that is what “lesser” intelligent animals do. Our thoughts are somehow coming from the cosmic web of consciousness because our neurons extend beyond our skulls through the life around us. Most brain science is absurd because the brain alone doesn’t do much, it’s the infinitely-complex electromagnetic environment that the brain resides within that is important and current science simply fails to comprehend that complexity.  

So what if our brains were made to tap into the cosmic electromagnetic radiation and change things remotely? What if I don’t have to “go to work” to do the world’s most important work? Isn’t my body fundamentally electrical wiring that is electrically connected to the entire universe? Should that really be any surprise at all given that brain activity mirrors galactic large scale structure? (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphy.2020.525731/full) It is certainly possible, to say the least, that we have severely underestimated what a large brain can do just with thought and belief alone. Perhaps the whole concept of “going to work” in an office somewhere is kind of getting in the way of us learning to electrically connect and communicate with the universe. Don’t get me wrong, I want to do STEAM work, but I think 90% of people would agree with me that 90% of jobs are empty roles that contribute nothing to the world at all. If it was up to me, I’d pay people to stay home and log meditation hours and that would be real WFH. But really, we don’t need that many people to work, right? With billions of people on this planet, we have to keep creating fictitious jobs so that the slavery of capitalism can keep enslaving. We don’t need you to lead a fictitious job. We need you to stop. Stop eating meat, stop shopping at mega-corporations, stop buying cars and plastic, stop having children. STOP.

What if I could stop you with an intentional meditation alone? What if I could re-start the world with my intention? What if I could upload some filament of my consciousness into the ionosphere and direct the fate of the entire planet? And what if I could do all of this without any physical action at all? What if a female scientist meditating for an hour on the re-start of the world was more real and more powerful than any job position on the planet? Focused meditation, indeed, is very hard work. If we all collectively meditated on the re-start of society, it would happen. Whether one brain can do it alone, is maybe my personal experiment. Sorry if this blows your mind, but if you matter you won’t mind and if you mind-laser-ported from across the galaxy, you’ll join me in my mind.

Everything is wrong. 

Everything is a lie in order to fuel a racist, sexist, ignorant market society.

Everything is slowly killing us and murdering a globe of precious biodiversity.   

I know and I work on it every day. It may be more important work than any CEO ever did.

One day my meditation on change & my career in STEAM may align for a new planet or colony.

I don’t need to hold a futile political seat or be a marching mannequin protesting in the street.

I don’t need to sit in an office while a blinding rectangle zaps my imagination to ice. I don’t need any aid from a planet-murdering market society hinged on vice.

I can be unknown, unseen, unheard, unrespected and do the universe’s most important work. 

I’m the Injectable Astronavigator, and you could be too, but you belong to the dumbest species on earth.